There are five districts in Karnali Zone and Mugu District is in the depth of all the above problems.
Grukul, the Nepali theater in Kathmandu is becoming the medium for the expression of problems and culture through the Drama " Karnali Dakshin Bagdo Cha " ( means Karnali is really flowing South)
The Drama has to aim , one is to build a theater in Mugu District and the main aim is to express the problems and culture of Karnali to the capital, the Kathmandu.
It is played by most of the local actors and the language is local Khaslanguage of Karnali.
The drama has symbolically expressed culture, education, health, economy, transportation, security, migration, Development and corruption condition of Karnali Zone.
Here are the some of the shoots of the drama

A local prist is looking for a good moment to go to Kathmandu and to show the Drama in Grukul
The local prist found that the days to go to Kathmandu are favourabl now and femal are seeking good by in the retual wayThe team reached Gurukul, and the team is performing a dance named Hudko expressing the audience for the help to make the Theater in Mugu District.
Hudko Dance
A local Kitchen. A husband and wife are waiting for their Mitju Friend
Daughter is studying in the deyalo a deem lamp. There is no electricty distributed by the nepal Government.
Paddy plantation festival. Agriculture is one of the source of living in Karnali.
Mugali Young ladies performing dance culture.
In the festivale, rich person perform riding horse.
Agriculture human resource of Doko.
Neghibours are fighting for irigatation.
School children studying in miserable sistuation.
One teacher handling two classroom. In this time student are doing difficulties for teaching. Teacher is rushing to handle from one classroom to and other.
A dengerous means of transport over Karnali river .
Arrangement for the child Mirrage.
Innocent souls are forced to be in the engagement
A innocent girl is in dream after her engagement, she does not even know what is mirrage.
A farmer who does not have land?????/ returns from highland, he was there to collect Yarcha Gumbha, a medical hurb.
Another man returns from Yarcha Gumba mission with out any success and relates the unsuccess story to a teacher.
An innocent fermer goes to Government office to make his citizenship card, but a peon is only the person in the office and the peon tells him that he is the officer.
A quee for the rice, since four days they are in the quee to take four Kg of rice, but not freely.
Femals in the food quee.
Due to the scarcity and tiredness of quee they start to fight with the officer.
A man takes one sack of rice while the citizens are fighting for the four kg of rice.
The government officer take local wine made from the rice while there is no food for the gelaral public to eate even they pay.
way of earning in Karnali??? A line of Karnali people Migrate to work in India early in the morning.
If you are sick????? what is the me of transport???????///
ther a doctor in the local hospital??????? is there medicine in the hospital???//////////
health assistant advice to take to a bigger hospital, then what is the means of the transport ??? should the man carry the sick person 30 days to take him to hospital?????/////
Even you reach the airport which is running seasinally, are you sure that the plane will come??
Just because of the plane did not came in time , Karnali People end their life waiting in the airport. Just because of the doctors do not go to the remote karnali they have to finish their life with out geeting the basic human right -health?????
A ex- minister was watching the dram. Did he get the Expression of Karnali????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Feel good......
i liked your blog,
I missed the drama,
I am eager to have the visual CD of it. Is it possible to receive/collect?
I always pray to God for the development of Karnali zone,
Now, I am in the process of doing research of Karnali in the filed of education based on critical theory.
Hope your visual also would be one the most important review for my research.
I am looking for your kind cooperation.
Keep it up,
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